TN-5 Candidate Andy Ogles Calls to ‘End the Ridiculous January 6 Partisan Political Charade’

Tennessee 5th Congressional District candidate and Maury County Mayor Andy Ogles called on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) and congressional Democrats to “end the ridiculous January 6 partisan political charade.”

In a statement Thursday, the Republican said that the Democrat-controlled House needs to immediately end the January 6 show trial and refocus on the issues actually impacting American families.

“The ridiculous partisan witch-hunt that the House is engaged in as they relentlessly attack former President Trump needs to end now,” Ogles said. “As Democrats devote their attention to smearing President Trump, and with little or any success, American families are suffering from the destructive policy agenda of President Biden and the out-of-touch party that pulls his puppet strings.”

Ogles then pointed out what he thinks the U.S. House of Representatives should focus on.

“The House should be focusing their investigative and oversight duties on the inept military withdrawal from Afghanistan that cost the lives of U.S. military personnel and innocent Afghanis, the wasteful billions being sent to Ukraine with virtually no accountability, historic levels of inflation that the Biden administration denied, then portrayed as temporary and now declares out of the control of President Biden, rising violent crime in our cities, the absence of baby formula and now tampons in our stores, and the chaos on our southern border which the administration ignores,” Ogles continued.

“There is a long list of issues that deserve the laser-focused attention of our Congress, but all are taking a back seat to the partisan political agenda of a Democratic Party desperately trying to distract from their failures as the November midterms draw closer,” he said.

Ogles further promised that as a member of a Republican majority House after the midterm elections he will devote time and resources to the important issues that have real and serious impact on our families and communities.

“As a small-town Mayor, I can assure you that voters are much more concerned about gas prices, inflation, and the flood of illegal aliens at our southern border instead of Democrats re-litigating the January 6 breach of the Capitol for partisan political purposes,” Ogles said.

The 5th Congressional District, which changed after redistricting, now consists of parts of Davidson, Williamson, and Wilson counties, and all of Maury, Marshall, and Lewis counties.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitterTruth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Andy Ogles” by Andy Ogles. 



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5 Thoughts to “TN-5 Candidate Andy Ogles Calls to ‘End the Ridiculous January 6 Partisan Political Charade’”

  1. Ruth Wilson

    Good for you, Andy. Hope Trump gets the media to “give him EQUAL time to give his side” I think they used to call that “The Fairness Doctrine”??? Anyway, this “witch hunt” that has been paraded before US is brought to US by the “Fake News Bunch”. I think that was Trump’s name for the media and Trump is Right again. For God & Country

  2. Stuart I. Anderson

    OK Andy , that’s nice, but with early voting less than a month away and Beth starting her ads and General Weathervane continuing his stomach turning ads it’s time to spread the word that you are running beyond the 15% of conservative activists who read the Star by unleashing an impressive media campaign.

  3. The Jan 6th witch-hunt is all part of the “Great Distraction” so we don’t pay attention to the “Great Reset” (i.e. Build Back Better/ESG) as well as billions in money laundering through Ukraine. Watch the other hand.

  4. mikey whipwreck

    its just distraction theater – the country is falling apart due to the failed democrat policies, so they are increasingly desperate

  5. Dr Ken

    With all the challenges confronting America today, many Biden caused, it is absurd the democrats continue to spend so much time and money on this political vendetta. Inflation is out of control, those on fixed incomes are suffering, the border is a mess with a huge caravan headed to the US through Mexico, crime rates are rapidly ascending, energy dependence has destabilized American life, infant formula is in short supply, the American farmer is struggling and through all this the House majority ignore all this to instead focus on President Trump. It is long overdue to throw out, to fire, the likes of Pelosi, Schiff, Watters, Cheney who seem to use their position to serve themselves and not the American people.
